
Mountain Safety

Stowe Mountain Resort and Vail Resorts take the safety of our guests and employees very seriously. All skiers and riders are responsible for skiing and riding responsibly, complying with the Your Responsibility Code and avoiding collisions with other skiers and riders.

Ski Patrol: 1 (802) 253-3620

Uphill Access: 1 (802) 253-3690

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Approved Sliding Devices

Stowe Mountain Resort allows the following sliding devices:

  • Skis with retention devices
  • Snowboards with retention devices
  • Approved adaptive equipment
  • Snowbikes

Snow bikes are eligible for use if they may be loaded directly within the envelope of the chair onto a chair seat while the user straddles the device.  Eligible snow bikes must be professionally manufactured and may not be homemade, and a waist tether must be attached to the bike.   Eligible bikes may have no more than three skis and all skis must have metal edges.

Snow bikes may be loaded on the:

  • Meadows Quad
  • Adventure Triple 
  • Sunny Spruce Quad
  • FourRunner Quad
  • Gondola
  • Over Easy Gondola

Specific parameters for lift use include:

  1. Snow bikes are the only equipment permitted on lifts outside of normally permitted apparatus (skis, snowboards, adaptive equipment).
  2. A snow bike and user displace two seats on a chair.
  3. Only one bike may ride on the  Adventure Triple at a time, with the rider by themselves or with 1 additional skier/rider.  On quads, two bikes and two bikers may ride, or one bike, the rider and two skiers.   Two bikes are riders are permitted in each gondola cabin.
  4. Each user must be attached to their bike with the waist belt prior to loading the lift.  Users must remain tethered to their bike while riding lifts and riding on the trails at all times.
  5. Users must bear a valid Epic pass prior to loading the lift.
  6. Users must enter load areas via each lift’s maze, and access the load decks through the established gates.
  7. The Adventure Triple will be slowed to 250 fpm/foot passenger speed prior to loading a bike.
  8. Each user must be able to load their bike directly onto the chair seat. Once loaded, they must lower the restraint bar.

  9. To unload, each user must be able to lift the front of the bike at the unload line, and walk or glide on the bike down the unload ramp.
  10. Lift staff shall be trained in these procedures, and to monitor proper placement of snow bike brackets on chairs.

Snow bikes are not permitted for use in Stowe terrain parks.

Below are a few examples of what Stowe does NOT allow for alternative sliding devices at our resort which includes but not limited to the following devices:

  • SLED DOGS: NOT Allowed
  • SNOWSHOES: NOT Allowed
  • PLASTIC SNOWBOARDS: NOT Allowed (plastic snowboards that do not have metal edges)
  • SLEDS/DISCS: NOT Allowed
  • GHOSKY: NOT Allowed
  • AIRBOARD: NOT Allowed
  • BODYSLED: NOT Allowed

This list is subject to change at any time.

Your Responsibility Code

Stowe Mountain Resort is committed to promoting ski safety. In addition to people using traditional alpine ski equipment, you may be joined on the slopes by snowboarders, telemark skiers or cross-country skiers, skiers with disabilities, skiers with specialized equipment and others. Always show courtesy to others and be aware that there are elements of risk in skiing and snowboarding that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Know your ability level and stay within it. Observe the Your Responsibility Code listed below and share with other skiers the responsibility for a great skiing experience.

1. Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects.
2. People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
3. Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic.
4. Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail.
5. You must prevent runaway equipment.
6. Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazard markings.
7. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
8. You must know how and be able to load, ride and unload lifts safely. If you need assistance, ask the lift attendant.
9. Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
10. If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.

Winter sports involve risk of serious injury or death. Your knowledge, decisions and actions contribute to your safety and that of others. If you need help understanding the Code, please ask any ski area employee. 

Be advised that Stowe Mountain Resort does not mark all potential obstacles and hazards. When marked, poles, flags, fencing, signage, padding and other forms of marking are used to inform skiers and riders of the location of potential obstacles or hazards. These markers are no guarantee of your safety. It is part of your responsibility under the Your Responsibility Code.

Skiers and riders should be advised that a green circle, blue square or black diamond trail at Stowe Mountain Resort is not necessarily the same as a green circle, blue square or black diamond trail at other resorts. The system is a relative rating of trails at each resort and does not compare trail difficulty between resorts. Skiers and riders should begin with the easiest terrain and then move up in difficulty as their ability permits, in order to understand the relative rating at Stowe Mountain Resort.

Extreme Terrain
Extreme terrain contains cliffs, very steep slopes, rocks and other hazards. Skiing and boarding Extreme Terrain is for experts only.

Electronic Devices
Vail Resorts strongly discourages the use of electronic devices, including cell phones, personal entertainment and communication devices and any other electronic equipment that utilizes head/earphones while skiing and snowboarding, or loading and unloading lifts.

Snowcats, snowmobiles and snowmaking may be encountered at any time.

Slow Zones
Certain areas (indicated on the map in yellow) are designated as slow zones. Please observe the posted slow areas by maintaining a speed no faster than the general flow of traffic. Space and speed are especially important in these areas. Fast and aggressive skiing will not be tolerated.

Helmet Use
Stowe Mountain Resort encourages our guests to educate themselves on the benefits and limitations of winter sports helmets. Regardless of whether or not you choose to wear a helmet, every winter sport participant shares responsibility for his or her safety, and for that of others using the ski area facilities.

PLEASE NOTE: Employees in uniform are available to assist with safety questions and are empowered to suspend or revoke the skiing or riding privileges of anyone demonstrating reckless or inappropriate behavior.

For any additional information, call  (802) 253-3000 or email

Out of Bounds

The Ski Area Boundary of Stowe Mountain Resort is clearly marked on all trail maps, signs and postings around the resort. Anything beyond this boundary is outside of the open and designated trail systems at Stowe Mountain Resort. Vermont law states that any person who uses a ski area's facilities to access terrain outside of the open and designated trail abandons certain rights and shall be liable for any costs of rescue, medical or other services.

If you choose to recreate beyond the Ski Area Boundary, please remember:

  • These areas contain many increased risks and hazards, many of which are hidden and/or may lie at or under the surface.
  • It is easy to get lost. Know where you are going and never go alone.
  • Weather constantly changes in the mountains. Monitor weather forecasts. Be prepared to bring extra supplies.
  • You and your party are on your own. Night falls quickly in the winter. If you head out too late in the afternoon, you may get caught in the dark, which can turn small problems into very big ones.
  • Call 911 in an emergency, but remember call services may be limited or unavailable in some areas.

Mount Mansfield is a unique and precious natural area. Travel on the summit can damage or kill rare, fragile plants. Please respect this precious resource and only travel where the snowpack is thick and stable.

Deep Snow Smarts
Any time you leave the maintained trails and enter the woods, you expose yourself to increased risks. With our recent snowfall, there are now additional hazards that are present in the woods, one of which is snow immersion suffocation. Snow immersion suffocation can occur when a skier or rider falls in soft, unconsolidated snow and cannot free him or herself. Immersion fatalities are most commonly associated with tree wells, where low hanging branches at the base of trees block snow from consolidating, creating a void that doesn't fill with packed snow. Other conditions, such as the presence of streams, rocks and fallen branches can create similarly hazardous conditions. In all of these situations, it is extremely difficult and often impossible for the fallen person to free him or herself. For this reason, it is critical that woods skiers and riders maintain line-of-sight contact with each other, so that they can assist fallen partners.

Never Forget Good Woods Smarts:

  • Don't go in alone and maintain line-of-sight with your partner(s). Use the leapfrog mentality when skiing with a partner or partners.
  • Know where you are going.
  • Wear a helmet.
  • Stay away from the base of trees and low-lying areas such as stream beds.
  • Don't enter the woods late in the day or in bad weather.
  • Carry a fully charged cell phone. Cell phones can be helpful, but there is no guarantee that you will have service in the mountains.

In the Event of a Snow Immersion Emergency:

  • Do not panic—struggling and thrashing can make the situation worse.
  • Carry a whistle in your chest pocket—one's voice can be lost within minutes of yelling.
  • Save Ski Patrol's phone number and enable voice command if your device is capable. This can assist with hands-free calling when immobilized, but never rely solely on you cell phone for emergency response.
  • If possible, try to create an air pocket in front of your face.
  • Remember, if you lose contact with a friend, you could lose a friend.

To view Stowe Mountain Rescue's "Backcountry Skiing & Riding Safety" video, click here.

Accidents on the Trails
If you come across an injured skier or rider, remain calm. If you are a skier, and are able to do so, cross your skis above the injured person so that he/she is visible from above. Alternatively, ask someone to stand above the injured person. If you have a cell phone and have service, contact the Mount Mansfield Ski Patrol. Patrol is available whenever the lift is running.

Drone Use
Due to safety and privacy concerns for guests, employees and property, the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, is prohibited above or within Stowe Mountain Resort.

Dogs and skiing don't mix. We do not recommend that you bring your pet to the mountain. If you do, please keep him or her in the base areas, respect Stowe's leash law and maintain control of your dog.

Alpine and telemark ski equipment, snowboard equipment and adaptive equipment are the only types of gear permitted for downhill use on Stowe's alpine trails.

For additional information, call 1 (802) 253-3000 or email

Drone Policy

Due to safety and privacy concerns for guests, employees and property, the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, is prohibited above or within Stowe Mountain Resort.

Uphill Access Program

For more information, please see our Uphill Access Policy page below.

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